Saturday, March 03, 2007

Summer's over

It's been awhile so I'm going to be boring and mundane and just make this post about ME and what I did over summer vacation.

For those who don't already know, I had an internship that was an extremely interesting learning experience. I learned that legal work isn't all THAT bad and that I MIGHT wind up in the legal field in one way or another. But I also learned that what makes a workplace good or bad sometimes doesn't have anything to do with the work but it has everything to do with the people. Let's just say that some of the managers I met in the workplace make Anna Wintour AND her literary alter ego look like angels. Seriously.

So that was the bad. Now onto the good news.

I got my driving licence!!! I feel super grown up now!! I'm legally able to drive a car!! And I'm so happy about it I don't even care how many exclamation marks I use!!!

Okok, back story behind the happiness is that I failed my driving test the first time and I was pretty high strung and nervy about taking the driving test again because I'd heard so many horror stories about people who'd failed it multiple times and I thought I might be one of them. My poor instructor kept having to calm me down and tell me to take deep breaths and I kept hyperventilating. So when I found out I passed, I was more relieved than happy really.

Apart from that and the pigging out over Chinese New Year, there isn't much more to tell really. Still in Melbourne, only now it's to get my Victorian practising certificate and still at my cosy little apartment.

Oh and summer just ended so there's just this little bit of sadness there. I love long,warm days so thethought of the cold starting again makes me sigh a little.


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