Wednesday, June 29, 2005

My Own Stupidity

I have often noticed that the first few days back in Singapore tend to be a huge daze for me. The sights, the smells, the crowds....I just get confused.

But this time I stupidly forgot all about buying tickets for the Neil Gaiman movie screening thing at Orchard Cineleisure UNTIL TODAY. And yes, they were SOLD OUT.

The registration for the talk at thw Library@Orchard was also closed.

GAH. Am still going for the signing at Kino and Borders but given the crowd....I think I should try to go a few hours earlier.

Somebody, anybody who wants to sell those tickets, I'll pay $20 for them.(Original Price was $8)

Actually, never mind $20, I'll pay $30 just for ONE ticket.Argh....if anyone has a ticket, mail me and name your price.

P.S But please keep in mind I am a poor student with limited pocket money. VERY limited pocket money.


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