Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Welcome to my world

I took Corporations law this semester and expected to be immensely bored by it. And in some ways, my expectations were completely fulfilled.It is horribly dry, even the exciting bits weren't really that interesting.

But to my own surprise, I found myself taking an interest in it, if only because I suddenly started recognizing terms and phrases within the course that I had been hearing my entire life. My parents are vaguely involved in the financial sector and they routinely discussed their work at the dinner table with one another. Terms like director's duties and insider trading that were like some foreign language during all those years, suddenly made sense to me.

Every child waits for that day when they can be all "grown up" and for me I always felt like that day would never come because of my utter indifference and blissful ignorance of the working life of my parents. My previous degree was In Eng. Lit and the workings of the financial world were obviously not on the syllabus...and I hadn't the motivation or interest in finding out for myself, even though I could have.

It was like I had suddenly been given the key to their world; that I finally understood what they did and what they talked about. I mean, that class on share buy backs and reductions was akin to an epiphany to me, it really was.

And then I also understood why it is that so many children follow in their parents footsteps into the same professions or industries. It has to do with your understanding of the adult world, of what it means to be "all grown up". Corporations law was worth taking just for this understanding, even if I was bored by some of it.

"I want to grow up to be just like Mommy one day"

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Foggy Melbourne

It's been unbelievably cold and foggy in Melbourne lately; Saturday was apprently the coldest June day on record in the past ten odd years.

The picture above is my exam hall and it's pretty much the view that greeted me when I went for my Equity and Trusts law exam on Monday...and it's been like that nearly every other day since. On Friday, on my way home from the gym, I could literally see the fog creeping along the river and settling over the city.

The city's been a stranger to me lately, what with the fog shrouding the trees and wreathing about the bushes. Some nights, the visibility really isn't more than ten metres or so and I get so cold even indoors with my heater on.

Then I remembered this poem I read at 14 and loved...only now I see it so much better.

When you can't beat it, you can always romanticize it I suppose. Here's Fog by Carl Sandburg.



The fog comes
on little cat feet.
It sits looking
over harbor and city
on silent haunches
and then moves on.

By Carl Sandburg

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Short and completely ecapsulates my housekeeping philosophy

Don't worry, spiders,
I keep house

By Kobayashi Issa