Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Falling into Autumn

Just to start of with, I'm glad Acidflask isn't going to get sued. And even more glad that all this whole debacle has ended. But I guess the threat worked. Gilbert Koh shut down his legal blog because of it and Knight of Pentacles seems definitely nervous. Even I heeded Gilbert's advice and took my photo off this site even though in theory, where I am now might be beyond the reach of the gahmen.

I suppose its as good a time as any to mark a new season.It's now completely and irrevocably autumn . This autumn was so unseasonally warm up until two weeks ago there were still people going around in singlets and skirts.Last month still had enough warm days to convince us that maybe summer could be stretched out just a little longer. The last few days have put paid to that lie though;I woke up this morning cold to my bones.

I'm one of the heat loving creatures. In Singapore I just absolutely soak up the sun whenever I can. Despite the humidity, the heat just always feels good, like a blanket you have on all the time. Here, at the first sign of cold, I start pulling on jumpers, coats and wrapping up with scarves.

From a heat loving girl, here are some ways to deal with the cold:

1) invest in a good heater. in fact, if you're anything like me, invest in two good heaters. I place one permanently in the bathroom for the moments when you step out of the shower shivering uncontrollably. Trust, you'll fall in love with that hot air blasting machine right there and then.For the girls, (teehee) try heating your bra cups in front of it every morning. It feels darned good when you put it on.....nobody ever tells you stuff like that, I had to find out myself.For guys, I suppose you could always try heating your jeans? heh.

2) similiarly invest in a good quality down stuffed quilt. This is not like SG where you could just buy any old blanket. A friend of mine did that and he was so cold all through his first winter, before he realised his mistake.

3) Learn the value of buying clothes with material like wool, cashmere, fleece and angora. Winter clothes should not be skimped on no matter how much of a Singaporean bargain hunter you are.

4) eat alot. Dieting in winter is not a good idea, you won't believe how cold you'll get if you go hungry. Don't have to overeat, just eat plenty of warm meals and load up on hot drinks. Hot chocolate on cold days tastes sooooo good and will release endorphins so you'll be both warm and happy. ( For me, I get high on hot chocolate..teehee, always makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside)

5) Exercise. It will rev up your metabolic rate and you'll come out feeling all warm and sweaty. Plus it'll help in burning off all that food.

6) if all else fails... find a lover and have lots and lots of hot sex. The endorphins released will replicate item 4 and the workout will boost your metabolic rate even better than item 5. And, there's someone else to keep you warm under that quilt!

( You'll still need the heater and the quilt though.....otherwise you might not want to even take your clothes off....pity to waste all that passion)

For all those here, have a great winter! Hope I'll get to go skiing this year *grin*

*Disclaimer for the sake of my bf(who's in Singapore and who might get understandably nervous):Dear,I never actually tried item 5. I just hear about it. Muahahaha...in my bed, the only thing keeping me warm is my beloved, trusty goose down quilt.

P.S The lover thing does make alot of sense though. Its the reason supposedly alot of people from temperate countries have birthdays in October and November. All those loong, cold winter nights.....heh. Though if thats true, Russia ought to be the most populous country in the world....


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