Saturday, January 21, 2006

Sugar and Spice

Been a little busy, what with organizing get togethers and assignments being due. But still found the time to trawl around the net, looking for cute sites and reading up various blogs. Here are various titbits from around the 'net. Enjoy!

Somewhere is a lovely, if sad poem commemorating the death of the poet's wife. I don't really want to reproduce something quite so personal on my own blog so please take a few moments to read it and savour the gentle ache it can bring.

And this is a sweet(literally!) poem written by floots on love and desserts. I found the word play and use of puns so amusing.

Joy is a cool site run by an Asian American girl who has great taste in fashion, furnishing and whatnot. I love the designs and photo collages(of fashion and other bits) that she posts up regularly. A sunny, cheery blog that should light up your day a little.

"Bridging the gap between species" is a post by the American blogger Dooce, on the odd and funny way her dog protected her toddler daughter from falling down the stairs.

And for those who haven't been there before, Postsecret is like our collective conscience, a virtual reminder of our common humanity. Go and look. Be prepared to laugh and maybe tear a little.


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