Monday, April 25, 2005

I just realised I have no idea as to how to move my previous blog posts from xanga onto blogspot...

Was asked this question at cell group that day about the desires of one's heart and I realised I wanted nothing more than a second chance at life. A chance to not have made all the mistakes I made and a chance to start over fresh.

I have to admit though, that I never thought when I decided to take my parents offer to go to Melbourne and study law, that it would be the worst ever decision of my life.

It enclosed me within the mould they had been dying to shut me in for the longest time. All through my NUS years, when I was studying Eng. Lit, I was serenely oblivious to their hints of the inherent uselessness of an arts degree. They weren't willing to fund a masters for me and I wasn't willing or ready to go out into the great big working world yet. (Or become a teacher and mire myself in the horrors of the Singaporean education system like all my friends were doing)

Hence, Melbourne and a law course.

The funniest thing is that people always think that being good at lit meant that law wouldn't be too difficult. Which turned out to be completely untrue.....

Why a poet wannabe? Because I've always loved poetry I suppose. Of all the literary forms I studied, I always felt intuitively that poetry was the quitessential written art form. Unfortunately, everything I put down on paper somehow comes out sounding terribly lame, reminiscent of the Sylvia Plath poem about the
stillbirth of poems.

I still love poetry though and I think I'll post up different poems every now and then that i like or am interested in.


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